I've dabbled in art ever since I got blasted for using crayons on my living room walls before my 2rd birthday.
Thankfully, time and my artistic maturity have made my current creations worthy of hanging on my room walls. I haven't yet ventured to public displays, but I sometimes try to sneak out paintings during parties and such.
Some of you must have endured the incursions my work makes into a social setting, and how I explain my piece, whilst you maintain a straight face.
I started off with water color paints on basic drawing paper. Then I got excited about oil colors on canvasses for a few years and have some decent examples to show for my troubles. All along, I have sketched using graphite pencils and colored markers.
My recent claim to fame has been a few glass paintings, where I use a sheet of plain glass and paint on it using water or acrylic colors.
After years of making sure I maintain my reputation as a bad poet, I suddenly, over the last few years discovered talent where none existed. I now can try my hand at some barely passable poetry. Sometimes, I even get a few lines to rhyme. Here are some samples ...
This one is my favorite and, I think,
the first poem I ever wrote.
Entirely fitting that it is devoted to technology.
Computing is for real
Gone to the land of files and opens,
Prints and outputs,
Inputs and data,
If's and but's,
Do's and don'ts,
Compilers and interpreters!
In a land filled with the greatness of Napier's bones,
The loveliness of Lady Lovelace's codes,
The simple beauty of PARC's inventions,
The downright honesty of a hacker's intentions.
Yes, gentle dove,
I am with my first love.
Common yet pure,
Elegant yet robust,
Soft yet demanding,
Friendly yet competitive,
Creating Visual Basic code.
Vinit Bhansali, ~ 1999
In a world where sleep is a means to end the day,
I sleep to create new dreams,
I sleep so sometime I might write those dreams,
For the betterment of humanity,
For the greatness of humankind,
For eternal peace in this vile world.
I tend to do the honorable thing.
While awake you might change my mood,
In sleep I am at peace, with myself and thoughts my own.
Vinit Bhansali, ~ 2000
A Shower
What is known as the essence of the gods,
the pastime of faries,
the soother of souls,
the cleanser of minds,
the helper to the tired,
the excuse of the lazy
the simply nice,
the really fluid,
the totally refreshing,
the deliciously efficient,
the extremely well flowed-out ... a SHOWER!
Vinit Bhansali, ~ 2001
O Maiden Fair
Where have u been, o maiden fair?
Why haven't u shown thyself, o maiden fair?
That let be it bygone.
'Cos now I'm not forlorn.
The maiden who did slash my dream,
Is here, forever mine.
My love will be sempiternal
As flows thou stream.
Thy loveliness will rise,
And will be one
me, myself and thy soul!
Vinit Bhansali, June 2002
Follow the Fair Maiden
Yup, fair maiden,
methinks beauty like yours
shallant go in vain.
Everywhere thy beauty exults,
thy humble slave obeys.
Wherever thou dareth go,
my longing for thou grows.
Vinit Bhansali, August 2002
New Year
The year that was,
The year that is to come.
The struggles we had,
The joy we shared.
The times that tested us,
The times that will.
The people that left us,
The people that we met.
They have all changes our lives,
They have all made us what we stand for.
Me? I'm just glad that I can call on you
in this and years coming through.
Vinit Bhansali, December 2002
Call me
Call me a soothsayer, nay
Call me an evangelist, nay
Forsee I technology's weapons
unleashed on the layman
Call me a maniac, nay
Call me a grimmer, nay
Vinit Bhansali, October 2003
Gain Knowledge
Dive into the oceans of knowledge,
Flow with the rivulets of facts and ideas,
Churn datum to create a lattice of intelligence,
And finally, burst open like a volcano full of energy,
Pulverizing the best of them with armloads of information.
Vinit Bhansali, October 2003
A square is but a rectange even,
A triangle has but three sides given,
Circles make one go round-about,
Dizzying arrays of shapes and symbol.
Angles makes lines meet at a point,
Edges bear fruit at a joint,
Graphs show logic and spell reason,
It's a palette of many dimensions.
Vinit Bhansali, November 2003