Over the years, I have started to devote more and more time in the sub-conscious study of humans and their contact with their contemporaries. I have noticed a pattern evolving, no thanks to the modern education system, of course. This pattern, can be briefly described as dividing humanity, or specifically, human thinking, into a few broad types.
A very popular type of consciousness I have noticed belongs to people who have mediocre lives, but are extremely happy. They are not forcing out their happy emotions, rather, it is present in such a sublime state that they genuinely are. In fact, if not for them, whole swaths of modern society would not exist. These are people who feel genuinely happy when they get a gift, birthday or otherwise. They are calm, and have occasional personal and business successes (to them).
Another state of mind that I have noticed are people who have great lives and recognize the fact how great their life is and enjoy it fully.
This is what I could term as the blissful state. Again, do not equate great life to mean big bank balances. That never works.
The other two common states of mind are what we see in TV documentaries; namely: Poor and feel poor and the Rich, but still feel poor.
These people will never pull themselves out of the pit of sadness and incomplete wishes. Unless they move into the other two states of mind.
Where do I stand, you ask?
Nowhere, yet. That may be why I think I might be perfectly qualified to write more on this subject till I somehow manage to get to one of those stages.